Kathy and Mario were at the house today getting it ready for the appraisers. She washed walls, cleaned and vacuumed. I stopped by for a few hours to help and take some final photos.

Danny was over doing the final adjustments to the floor braces. Danny does great work. If anyone needs some home renovations, he is the general contractor to call: 404-610-5074 I’ll be calling when I get ready to remodel my bathroom/master bedroom.

Jason Walker was pressure washing and patching walls. He was kind enough to do some work to the exterior in preparation for the appraiser. He’ll be painting the bedroom this weekend.

Alice had a donation to purchase some bedding. This money was used for a new box spring, sheets and blankets. Kathy donated a mattress and curtains. The bedroom looks much better.

Yesterday, Crystal Cruz came by for a follow-up interview with Alice. You can view the report at the CBS television station website. Crystal raised some questions about what kind of support Alice was going to get to prevent this from happening again. Alice agreed to have a cleaning service come in once a month. Steve Scott will be doing monthly follow-ups for a year. Alice has several very good friends, and now that they are aware of the problem, they will be helping Alice. One of the associate pastors at her church has been working with Alice to help with this problem as well. Kathy will be following up over the next few months.

Alice has not been in a thrift store in about six months and she has actively participated in clearing her home. There is still a lot of sorting to do that cannot be done until the flooring, painting and kitchen work is complete. But, it is my belief that Alice is very determined to have her home back. This will be an on-going challenge, but I think she has made the decision to overcome this and the extreme hoarding will not return. Alice will be working to do another sort of her belongs and donate even more items.

This is our last post on this project for another month or so. Peggy will be handling the details of the repair work and we leave it in her capable hands.

Thanks to everyone who helped Alice reclaim her home and helped solve a problem for the entire neighborhood. You were great!

Day 21 photos below.

Day 1 Kitchen

De-cluttered kitchen and dining room.

Day 1 living room.

De-cluttered living room.

Day 1 bedroom.

De-cluttered bedroom with fresh linens, bed and curtains.

Day 1 bath. Alice cleared most of the bath by herself!

De-cluttered bathroom with working plumbing.

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