If people are living in a home, clutter accumulates. Sometimes it seems like there is no way to prevent it, but there is a way to keep clutter from taking over. By adopting these eight simple clutter-free policies and sticking to them, you can keep your home clutter-free.
Policy #1: Everything has a place. It belongs in that place when it is not being used.
The first step in preventing clutter is to assign a place for everything you bring in your home. This prevents things from accumulating on table and counter tops while you decide what to do with it.
Policy #2: If you can get something out and use it, you can put is back where it belongs.
In many households one person usually assumes the role of clutter-fighter battling back the clutter everyone else assumes.
Policy #3: If it hasn’t been used in a year, it doesn’t belong here.
If you haven’t used it in a year, you are not going to use it. It is time to remove it from your home. The exception is for special keepsakes kept in a drawer or box. When the box is full it is time to decide if it is really worth keeping.
Policy #4: One thing in, one thing out.
If you buy something new for your closet, it is time to donate something old from your closet. This keeps your wardrobe fresh and prevents clutter.
Policy #5: Toy Donation Day comes once a year.
Right before a birthday or other toy holiday, help your child go through their toys and decide what they have outgrown. If it is still usable, donate it. If it is broken, throw it away.
Policy #6: If it is broken and isn’t repaired within 30 days, it goes in the trash.
Sometimes we have a favorite item that breaks and we think we’ll get it fixed because we are attached to it. Most of the time it stays broken in a closet or box in the garage. If it hasn’t been repaired in 30 days, it isn’t going to be.
Policy #7: If the “stuff” doesn’t fit the closet anymore, the closet needs to be de-cluttered.
Don’t make the mistake of adding more shelves or plastic organizers. Pretty soon you’ll use up all your wall space and floor space. If you have an overflowing closet, it is time to cut back the clutter instead of allowing it to take over your room.
Policy #8: Everyone goes through Check-In when they get home.
Establish a Check-In Center near the family entrance for bags, backpacks, coats and shoes. Store these things at Check-In as soon as you come in and you’ll avoid the clutter all over the house every evening.
Call 404-803-4547 today for a free clutter intervention phone consultation. We can help you plan and budget for your Clutter Free project.